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IBM made a fine library for LoraWan - The Lmic library.

I see this libray as a easy way to get a LoRa node up and running, and it fit all the needs i do have.

But it was a little hard for me the first time to get it running on a ST microcontroller, due to the fact that using STM32CubeMX was not a option.

I decided to make some changes to the HAL file and to the DEBUG file and now it is VERY easy to get a SX1276 running together with any ST microcontroller.

The file set you can download here LINK TO FILE ZIP - unzip into its own folder so it is easy to find for you later on - see video first.

The file set is the original IBM LMIC version 1.6 but stripped for everything which were sensor or board specific, so it contain only the core IBM Lmic files and the HAL.c modified for STM32CubeMX - it will help your undestanding ;o)

Before you do anything please look at the video to understand how to setup the right way first time.

All my projects are made for System Workbench for STM32, but when you do your own in STM32CubeMX you can chose what ever IDE you prefer.

Hope you do enjoy and if you have any suggestions to this file set please leave a mail on

if you do want to have the project as you see been made on the video you can get it here LINK

Remember - only place you have to changes main.h and main.c and top of debug.c and top of hal.c .....NO OTHER PLACES..


In the new TTN you have to by aware of that in code you have to have

but on ttn you have to have them turned around
